Rohit Sobti
5 min readDec 28, 2020

My personal insights from the Year of Learnings: 2020

Sharing some of my insights, learnings and experiences of 2020 —

  1. Life is Now: Timeless lesson from Buddha — Never a better year to understand and experience this statement. We were busy making plans for the new financial year and then mid-march it took a new turn.

2. Work for the betterment of Humanity: There is a lot to be done here. Sadhguru says the only business in the world is to uplift human beings for their optimum. This has become evident to us. The money would be on Necessities, Wellness (physical, mental; spiritual, emotional etc.)

3. Mindfulness is the key to life: Life will throw many challenges to you each day — that its job profile :). How do you deal with it and make the best of it is awareness and mindfulness? I read the book — Autobiography of Yogi, Ikigai, Think Like a Monk (reading it)and Mindfulness in Plain English — read my 21 lessons from the book here — ( ) and have started daily meditation practice by doing a 90 day Mandala of Isha Kriya ( (on the 40th day of it). After 3 weeks, it started to deepen the practice and become more aware of the things around and inside you. With mindfulness, you will be supercharged and be in the present moment (this is hardest to achieve — because we have a monkey mind) to take all the necessary right actions in everything.

4. Your Environment & People Around Impacts you — It vital to keep your environment with positive and high energy — read the blog about it here ( ). This is very important for you. People, conversation impact a lot to your subconscious mind. Choose them (if you have the option ) wisely

5. Minimalism is the right way of Living: All this while we were accumulating stuff — Fashion, Home, other possessions. 2020 have made us realise less is good. We got rid/donated a lot of stuff and is more happy and comfortable with it. This has decluttered the house and something inside, and I think will never adopt any cluttered scenario — it just starts to make uncomfortable. Try it — it is magic

6. Community We live in One world — we are not citizens of any country or religion or caste. We all are one and connected with our breath. Hold both your nostrils for 45 seconds and experience what I am talking about. It is not an only human being but all plants, animals, objects etc. The rule of community is to Give first without expecting anything in return. There are so much power and value in community creation with the sole purpose to serve humanity through various means, especially wellness, fitness, spirituality, sustainability etc. We have created one community on Discord called — Underground Yogi — this is the invite link ( ) and creating a community for Sustainability in early 2021.

7. Gratitude — This is the most powerful tool for every human being to connect with the higher self and serve others. Start and end your day with Gratitude — it would be great if you can write it. When we Gratitude with the right intent — we become a positive energy channel for the universe.

8. World of Angels around us — I did an online course with my teacher Charu Talashi on Angelic Realm — the basic and advanced version. It made me access to the world of Angels around us — I never knew this dimension. It was a wonderful experience and connected a few more connects in the inward journey.

9. Agility is a necessity — We have heard this many — Change is the only constant. Agility in your thoughts, inner radio, action, awareness, learning, accepting etc. is necessary for this age for all of us.

10. Empathy will never go out of Fashion — Each of us has lost something in 2020. When we talk to another person — we don’t know what is going inside them or what they are suffering presently as most people shield their suffering. Your best action should be non-judgemental and be totally Empatheic towards people — have a broad view about them.

11. Everything is inside us — We can’t control the outside. We can 100% control what is inside through various tools of mindfulness, meditation, voluntary work etc. Once you start realising the same and start to build the conversation with your inner self, i.e. Soul (remember you are not the body and you are not the mind ) — the inner world would start unveiling. It would be best if you practised stillness to enter and connect with your soul.

12. Writing is compelling — Writing daily in your journal and sharing via blogs/post on any platform is very powerful. I started writing a few months back, and I think have got much more clarity with yourself, and once you start sharing your thoughts with others you start to go deeper, and the dimension widens you

13. Coach — It became evident that Coach is vital for everyone in most life stages. Try to look for a Coach and be open Coach would be looking for you. I got Harmeet as my Coach in late 2019/early 2020, which helped get a perspective. With Blew Minds and UpGrad, I have started coaching as Entertainment Industry Coach and did my first session earlier this month — the amount of self-learning and satisfaction I had received is wonderful.

14. Spend time in Nature — During the lockdown we explored near mountains (within 2km radius) it just so refreshing experience. Later on, I read that spending time with nature heals you naturally and cleanse your Chakras. If you spend at least a week in nature for 60 mins — you will realise what I am talking here.

15. Silence is beautiful — My friend Bishal told me about his daily habit to remain silent early in the morning (45 mins to 2 hours). I have practised it, and it is beautiful — you don’t feel like talking much to other people post that. Try it — you can start with a few minutes once or two times a day and try to speak only when required.

More power and mindfulness to you.

With Love & Respect,

Rohit Sobti

Rohit Sobti

Brands & Business Growth. Leading new initiatives from scratch to scale, across Startups & Large companies.