Marvel Studios from Bankruptcy to Ruling the Universe.

Rohit Sobti
Jul 13, 2022


Marvel Studios

1999: Just come from Bankruptcy

2009: Acquired by Disney for $ 4 Billion

2022: Strongest Character Universe in the world

It took them 10–15 years of hard work and clarity by Kevin Feige to build this.

They make content to sell the Merch and create a complete transmedia experience.

Understanding your Crux is Key. They understood the trend, what it will take to create a community and connection with the fans and make them superfans

All 2022 Entertainment Businesses have to keep in mind that it is a Transmedia, Web 3 world.

The play has to be with all dimensions: Content, Product and Experiences.



Rohit Sobti

Brands & Business Growth. Leading new initiatives from scratch to scale, across Startups & Large companies.