Rohit Sobti
4 min readDec 30, 2020
Credit: Jay Shetty & Harper Collins

Important Quotes from the Book “ Think Like a Monk. “

This book is the fastest finish of all time within 3 weeks for me. I saw Jay’s & Radhe’s Instagram post for a few years and last month listened to Jay’s podcast with Ranveer and Vishen. I really synced up with his thoughts, vision and simplicity of explaining the complex issues because of his practical experience and time spend as Monk.

I was unsure what to expect from the book but really surprised me with the content, practical tips, exercises, and writing (very conversational) — I feel I have made a long conversation with Jay (obviously he has done most of the talking). Jay has not held back anything, and for me personally, that is a sign of an enlightened being. They don’t hold back. Highly recommend to read this book — the next one at our home is my 13-year-old younger son — who said to me yesterday that this book is calling him — his previous calling book was Steve Jobs Biography which he finished at 10 or 11.

I will be sharing the major points so that you can read this book. I have already recommended the book to all of my friends and would gift this book along with ‘Autobiography of Yogi’ to friends, family etc.

“A layperson who is consciously aiming to be continuously alive in the Now is a Monk “

“Becoming a monk is a mindset that anyone can adopt.”

“We live in the perception of a perception of ourselves, and we’ve lost our real selves as a result.”

“The only way to build a meaningful life is to filter out that noise and look within. This is the first step to build your monk mind.”

“There are always more ways to be pulled up than to be pulled down.” Gauranga Das

“When we limit our negative speech, we may find that we have a lot less to say.”

“Revenge is a mode of ignorance.”

“Sometimes, when we feel shame or guilt for what we have done in the past, it’s because those actions no longer reflect our values. “

“ Become more like a river than a rock.”

“ The less time you fixate on everyone else, the more time you have to focus on yourself.”

“Fear does not prevent death. It prevents life.”

“ Our fears are more numerous than our dangers, and we suffer more in our imagination than reality. “ Seneca, The Roman Stoic philosopher

“When we deny Fear, our problems follow us.”

“Breadth is the extension of our inmost life.” Rig Veda

“ Preach the Gospel at all times. When necessary, use words.” Saint Francis of Assisi

Passion + Expertise + Usefulness = Dharma

“Your passion is for you. Your purpose is for others. “

“Your only opportunity to succeed is in that moment.”

“If you allow yourself to Day Dream, you will be distracted.”

“Our thoughts are like clouds passing by. The self, like the sun, is always there. We are not our minds.”

“Treat yourself with the same love and respect you want to show to others. “

“Talk to yourself with love. “

“ You are who you are when no one is watching .”

“Perfect Yogis are they who, by comparison to their own self, see the true equality of all beings, in both their happiness and their distress. “ Gita

“ It is core to the monks to treat everyone with equal honor and respect”.

“You can be filled up with knowledge and rewarding experiences if you allow yourself to be empty”.

“ Forget the good we have done for others and the bad others have done to us “.

“ Remembering your mistakes and Forgetting your achievements restrains the ego and increases gratitude — a simple, effective recipe for humility.”

“Detaching inspires Gratitude”.

“Meditation doesn’t eliminate distractions; it manages them. “

“Gratitude is the mother of all qualities. “

“Trust is about intentions, not abilities.”

“Love is the absence of judgement.” Dalai Lama

“We all are connected; to each other, biologically. To the Earth, chemically. And to the rest of the universe, atomically.” Neil deGrasse Tyson

“The highest purpose is to live in service”.

This is my longest post till date :)

Hope this inspires you to buy the book and engage with Jay and Radhe (More Monk than Jay :) as per Jay)

Rohit Sobti

Brands & Business Growth. Leading new initiatives from scratch to scale, across Startups & Large companies.