High Energy = High Quality of Life.

Rohit Sobti
5 min readNov 8, 2020


I have come across this statement 3–4 years back during a session with Avinash Anand Singh. It got further validated for me when I watched Tony Robbins in his documentary “I am not your Guru” — especially how he prepares before the sessions — Mediation, physical workout and the way he elevated people during the documentary basically changing their energy levels and putting them in the right state which is moving away from negative energy/beliefs etc. I have experienced this in Angelic Session with Charu Talashi who works with your Chakras and give you many tools to improve your energy levels.

If you observe many influential people and look for their energy levels, you would understand the concept. It doesn’t mean being a Ranveer Singh (no offence to him) type every moment. It means being energetic, conscious for most of your day and doing stuff with your 100% and high energy rather low or negative energy.

How you can remain high energy for most of your day. The following are a few suggestions which I have used and worked with, especially in the last few months. I am sure there many more things you can explore:

1. Your Radio — There is a radio that goes on 24*7 in your head. You can train that radio to be positive, humbled, practical and real for you. If you are kind of person who gets influenced by other people or other people’s opinion matters to you a lot, then other people are RJ of this radio station for you. You need to take control and become the RJ of this radio station and be Positive, Empathetic and real about this Radio. This is very crucial. It is going to take some time because we are not conditioned to train our radio unless you are meditating before.

2. Physical Exercise or Playing a Sport regular — This is crucial as move out of the house and plays a sport or some physical exercise. It helps in physical, mental and energy body and releases important things in the mind which is good for high energy (don’t confuse for good mood).

3. Mediation — This is most important and has the most impact on you. Once you are in a meditation state, you connect with your Soul (Real you; remember you are not the body, and you are not the mind). This automatically cleans your chakras and put in high energy zone, remove negative vibrations.

4. Home — The environment of home/office also plays an important role in your energy levels. The following things you can do in-home:

a. Light a Diya — In Morning and evening in your temple. If easy light a candle/diya/agarbatti in front & middle of the house as well.

b. Keep It Clutter Free — Sadhguru has demonstrated in various videos the importance of clutter-free home/office. It helps a lot in overall energy levels of your home/office. Try it for a couple of weeks, and you will know the difference yourself. For me — in the morning these days to first unclutter the home and then I go ahead with my routine — because the environment affects you.

c. Salt Rock / Crystals — You can use Salt rock and crystal in the home to take away negative energy at home and keep it positive.

d. Color of Curtains and other things — Colors plays a role in the overall environment building. Read more from Vaastu, Feng Shui or consultant a knowledgeable person. If you need help can refer to a few people.

e. Chants — In the morning and evening play Chants in the home based on what you like. There are morning mantras & evening mantras available on youtube and streaming platforms.

f. Minimalism — This concept of living with few but only necessary things in life helps a lot in decluttering and have a more sustainable lifestyle.

5. People around you — There is saying you are the best version of 5 people you are with and 50 people you follow on Social media. Be very conscious with whom you are spending time with and don’t let negative or low vibration people around you. If you start mediation and practices silence, you will know in some time who has negative/low vibration energy. This is very important for your energy and mental state. Use social media consciously and who are following and engaging with on Social media.

6. Bath — Take bath twice a day. Water has cleaning capabilities. At least in one bath use salt once you have used soap — keep it for 2–3 minutes and then shower it. It helps to cleanse the aura and low vibration from your body.

7. Food Habits — Post 30 years of age our body needs food only twice a day: 10 am, and 7 pm is ideal. It keeps you high energy because we are giving the body a chance to digest and recover from it. I had started this with Shivanga Sadhana for 3 times, and it makes an immense difference to energy levels whole day.

8. Liquor and Non-Food — A lot has been written about the effects of having these on your body and system in the mid to long run. Stay away from this — try for a few weeks, and you would experience the difference on your own.

9. Family Time — Set time with your family to do activities together — play, sports, playing cards, visiting park/nature etc. This helps in everyone in the home have high energy and helping each other to overcome any low vibration, which leads to lethargy, overeating etc.

10. Do what you love for at least 30 mins — If you love reading, do it for 30 mins a day. I like sports I play 30 mins of leg cricket in our home with my kids since we couldn’t go out. This is your time — be religious about it. You can do this early when no distractions or night are depending on what works for you.

11. Words & Thought — Keep a check on the words you are speaking. Every spoken word is energy. It should be positive. If your vocabulary is using a certain set of words observe them and make them positive. Every thought is also energy. Everything in this world is created twice — first in your mind and then in your thoughts. Your environment, people, radio in your head, meditation, books you are reading will determine what you are thinking.

Happy to jam if you want to explore these dimensions further.



Rohit Sobti

Brands & Business Growth. Leading new initiatives from scratch to scale, across Startups & Large companies.