Gratitude, Seva, Meditation, Chanting and Truth is the answer to all questions

Rohit Sobti
3 min readJan 22, 2022


What is means?

If you are in any situation and looking for an answer. The first thing to do is to accept the truth and see the reality. Most of the time we are in our illusion or partial reality or ignorance or lead by passion (where we don’t see complete reality). This is a really hard one. It is not easy because we work on the level of consciousness we are at. Always analyze the situation with your 5 senses and give some time (1–7 days in my case) to feel the situation beyond your 5 senses. Feeling the situation means understanding/connecting with your body. If you are practising Yoga, Meditation, Chanting, Seva — you would be able to access this, and it works wonders. They say — Sleep over it.

The most important thing is the state of Gratitude. I personally started to realize the power of Gratitude. Gratitude means thanking the Almighty, your Guru/s, your parents, your Grand Parents, mother earth etc. (you can add whoever you want to give Gratitude) from the bottom of your heart & soul for everything they have given to you. This is a very magic state of mind, body and soul. Slowly you would realize the change in yourself — you would be more aware of the situation and would be closer to the reality, mother nature and will help in raising your consciousness. When this happens you automatically start connecting with the right Sangha and people who are also tuned into the Gratitude frequency. Try it for a couple of months every morning, before every meal, before drinking a glass of water or whenever you remember and experience this.

Meditation helps to calm our fluctuating mind and we are able to connect with our inner self/soul. This inner self / Soul is the real thing. Always remember we are not the body, and we are not the mind. Consistent Practice of meditation would help to remain aware of the soul which would lead to more consciousness and more right things that you would be doing.

I recently started chanting on the Hare Krishna Mahamantra and I feel connected with the Almighty after a few rounds and get a sense of refreshed energy within every morning. In fact — I am writing this blog today at 6 am after doing 9 rounds of Chanting. I want to thank Gaur Charan Dasji, Gauranga Dasji, Pitambar Dasji and Vinod Jain Ji for inspiring me towards chanting and making a discipline with it. I am new to it but have started to experience the connection with it. If anyone of you needs to develop this practice can connect you with these wonderful souls.

In Bhagwad Gita it is mentioned the connection with GOD is by two means: Chanting the Holy Names and doing Seva of the lord and its Devotees. After being in a state of Gratitude from last year and coming closer to finding my purpose (I think ) — it was evident to me personally that Seva is the most important role for us as human beings. As a son I had always seen my father (Late Mr Raj Kumar Sobti) doing selfless Seva of people — be it giving free tuitions to the needy (some of them have become doctors etc.), serving food in the temple, helping his extended family with everything he has got, upbringing his kids and sharing the values by demonstrating and not by only preaching — it makes me 1000% sure that Seva should be a very very important part of everyone’s life. We all can choose based on our current circumstances and level of consciousness but start small: start by one act at a time and believe me this is the highest form of satisfaction, wisdom, consciousness and connection with the Supreme.

The above is based on my experience over the last year or so and totally personal with the intent to help/enable anyone who is looking to be /on a similar path. This might lead to Self-Realization which is step one for Self-transformation.

Please start or intensify your daily practice.

With Love , Gratitude & Respect,



Rohit Sobti

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